Author Guidelines

1. Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam appreciates new, innovative, critical and challenging thoughts to trigger the birth of Islamic economic concepts and practices according to maqashid syariah (sharia goals) for the benefit / welfare of the people and better progress of civilization.

2. The articles must have never been submitted or under a submission process in other journals. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English language.

3. The articles are not allowed to be presented on more than one conferences or seminars. Articles which is known to have been presented at more than one aborted conference and the lead author are not allowed to submit articles in this journal.

4. Systematics of articles should consists of: Title of Article; Name of Author(s); Address of Author(s); Abstract; Key words; Introduction; Research Methods; Findings and Discussion; Conclusions and Reference.

5. Title should at the most be 14 words (in English and Indonesia). The title is written entirely in capital letters and typed center justified and bolded. The name should not bear any tittle (Dr., Prof., etc). Author name should be written in full and complete mailing address should be provided. In addition, please include e-mail address for the corresponding author.

6. Abstract should be written in two languages (both in Indonesian and English). Each abstract consists of 75-100 words (excluding the title structure). Abstracts should contain the title (with bold formatting), main purpose, method, main findings, theory and practical implications.

7. Key words should consist of 3-5 words.

8. Introduction consists of 4-5 paragraphs that state research issues, state of the art, and is ended with the purpose of research. State of the art refers to the discussion of the discourse and theoretical studies that reflect the emergence of new issues (novelty) in the research. The proportion of introduction should not be more than 10-15% of the total length of the article. The introduction does not need to be given a title.

9. Method delineates the research design of the study, the research target (populations and samples, informants or research subjects), technical development of the instrument or data collection, and data analysis techniques. The research method should be written in narrative style. Hypotheses and research formula should be stated implicitly, instead of clearly stated as hypotheses. The software name does not need to be disclosed. The proportion of research method is 15-20% of the total length of the article.

10. Result and discussion provides data analysis with respect to research questions. The use of tables, graphs or diagrams are recommended. Discussion on the table, graph or chart should not merely redescribe content of the table, graph or chart. The discussion should include answers to the research questions, explanation of the logic of obtaining the findings, as well as the corresponding analysis of each paradigm. If you require specific sub section, simply write the title of the new subsection in bold formatted as continuous paragraph. Proportion of findings and discussion is 65-80% of the total length of the article.

11. The conclusion contains the essence of the findings and discussion. The substance of the conclusions should be relevant to and has been discussed in the findings.

12. The references should contain all sources cited. The references should consist at least 80% primary literatures (journal articles) published in recent 10 years. The references used should be sources in the form of research articles in journals, proceedings, seminars and research reports (including thesis and dissertation).

13. The writing style:
a. Article should be written in proper scientific language.
b. New paragraph begins after the sixth spaces from the left margin. There should be no spaces between paragraphs.
c. All foreign words and special terms should be written in italics. In English-language articles, italics are used only for writing other than English.
d. Taping margins are; left margin: 2 (two) centimeters; top margin: 2 (two) centimeters; right margin: 2 (two) centimeters; and bottom margin: 2 (two) centimeters.
e. It is not allowed to give attachment. All tables, pictures, or transcripts are included in the body of articles.
f. The citation style within the body text and in references are as follows American Psychological Association (APA) Style 7th Edition.

14. There is no vertical line for the table. The table is placed in the center. The table source is placed under center alignment. The table display is as follows:



15. The figure title and source are placed on the center bottom of the figure. The figure is unframed. The figure display is as follows:




16. Every submitted article will be blind-reviewed by minimum two reviewers.

17. When required, the editor will change and, or fix spelling, and correct the grammar of the article without changing its substantial meaning.

18. Manuscripts should be submitted directly by OJS in

19. Article should be written in MS Word, single spaced, font size 10, Bookman Old Style. The length of submitted paper is at least 7 pages.

20. The author(s) should use reference application (Mendeley).

21. After the article meets the structure standards, the management team will conduct a plagiarism test using a reference application (turnitin / plagscan). The author(s) is prohibited from conducting plagiarism testing without the knowledge of the management team. The maximum plagiarism limit is 15%. The author will be asked to revise the article if the article does not meet the maximum plagiarism limit.

22. Complement to the sponsors and peer discussions (if any) should be placed as explanatory footnotes of the title of the article .

23. All articles as results of studies in particular research site/institution/informant should include a Statement of Ethical Clearance that has been confirmed by the institution/research informants.