Equity-based crowdfunding : alternatif penerapan akad mudharabah berbasis non bank
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji lebih jauh tentang penggunaan equity-based crowdfunding sebagai alternatif penerapan akad mudharabah yang berbasis non bank. Pada equity-based crowdfunding, penerbit adalah mudarib (wiraswasta) sementara platform crowdfunding hanya bertindak sebagai agen berdasarkan konsep wakalah. Sehingga, penerbit hanya dikenakan biaya penggunaan platform. Selanjutnya, Shahibul maal (penyedia modal) adalah investor yang telah menyumbangkan uang mereka secara online melalui platform elektronik. Tetapi harus diperhatikan di sini bahwa pada platform penjelasan tentang rasio pembagian laba dan rugi harus dicantumkan, sehingga sesuai dengan prinsip akad mudharabah.
This article aims to further examine the use of equity-based crowdfunding as an alternative to the application of non-bank-based mudharabah agreements. In equity-based crowdfunding, the publisher is mudarib (entrepreneur) while the crowdfunding platform only acts as an agent based on the concept of time. Thus, publishers are only charged for using the platform. Furthermore, Shahibul maal (capital provider) is an investor who has donated their money online through an electronic platform. But it must be noted here that on the platform an explanation of the profit and loss sharing ratio must be listed, so that it is in accordance with the mudharabah contract principle.
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